Sunday, January 12, 2014


I have been such a blog slacker really since Kenya. So probably there are only a few who still even read this. But I process so much through writing and this has been a hard week. Challenging for lots of my friends, for me, for my ability to believe that God is near. A dear friend of mine had her baby who is now struggling in the NICU. Words and music have been my comfort. 
One big thing my RA has taught me is though I may feel like nobody in the world can understand what I am going through or know of the pain I am in, that is a lie. God is there with me in my pain. I am not alone. 
I have been clinging to this idea this week for different reasons. Trying to remind my heart that he is near us in our hardships, hoping my friends believe such truth. The Psalms have been a great reminder. And these lyrics have been running through my head all week. They are from the Jars of Clay Valley song. In many ways I sing them to remind my heart to hope, to believe, to cling to the truth. 
"I will sing of your mercy that leads me through valleys of sorrow to rivers of joy."  
There are rivers of joy for each of us..they may look awfully different than our dreams, but he is near. He will lead us to joy.