Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Back Home

We have made it back home and I am beat....just trying to force myself to stay awake until 730. I haven't had much time to decompress or process from the trip at all (my brain was too tired on the plane) so that will come later.
I did have a sweet last day at Tenwek. All our patients had left the unit by the time I woke up from my nap Sunday around lunchtime. It was so nice to have the afternoon off! We went up to check on everyone, took a group photo of all the children and then had some much needed downtime. I went for a walk because I just love the area around the hospital and it is hard to get any Rebekah time during the busy week. While walking, first I saw an eclipse, which I had no clue was happening and then as I continued my walk I saw a rainbow. Between the two incredible things in nature, especially the rainbow and the Biblical representation, I felt so surrounded by God. Seeing that rainbow just reminded me again of how much He loves these children, who would appear to have every odd against them living through a heart defect. But He is present there and He brought each of those children to us. I just loved that thought as I was enjoying the scenery and my time alone.
I woke up early before we left Monday to do the same-go for a walk and get one last look at all our kiddos. It is hard to say goodbye and leave and have to trust that they will be okay. I get so used to seeing them so frequently and having a hand in their care that it is difficult to leave them. But again I was reminded that they are being cared for.
Off to sleep

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Shutting things Down

It is Saturday night around 120 AM. We just have two patients in the unit, both are sleeping well and tonight we have no Kenyan nurses. Stephanie and I are holding down the fort here.
The week has flown by!! I cannot believe that it is almost over. Once the week starts it just takes off and I feel like I have no time to process what I am feeling or how things are going. So it will take me some time to get there. It has been good overall. We make progress each year we come, which is good to see. And we had a great team.
I absolutely love the children we get to take care of here. They are each so dear and so tough....much tougher than most American kids. They are all ready to fight back and get to feeling better, getting out of bed and walking so early after surgery.
We are listening to music here in the unit tonight to stay awake and one of my favorites is playing-The Love of God
"The Love of God, how rich and pure, how measureless and strong"
Being here there is no denying seeing God's love-be it in how we care for our patients, or watching a Momma's love for her little one, or seeing how patients recover, or even just our beautiful surroundings...He truly is everywhere and is constantly showing me his love.
Let me try to put up a few pictures of some of these cute faces....