Tuesday, June 25, 2013

This week

I got this cute photo in the mail yesterday.  And in a few days I will get to see these precious faces in person! 

Thursday, June 20, 2013


I have been slack on my blogging lately. I think a lot of it has to do with settling back into life and working through the transition. I say that as if I am on the other end...I don't think I am; I am in the midst of it and am recognizing that.
Last week in our small group we talked about change and how change is Spirit led. We cannot evoke the change we desire (as Paul has so eloquently said in Romans). Parts of me want to be past this phase, to have God answer the questions about life floating around in my head. But I realize that this season has it's place too, so I am attempting to settle into it and be patient. I also had a thought sitting in group that when God does change us, it can leave us in a place on the other side where things in life that used to fit no longer do-it can create a tension that leaves things uncomfortable or empty or just different. Maybe this is what I am feeling.
Either way, here I am....can't change that! :)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I enjoyed each moment of our trip, but I think we all agreed several of our favorite days were in Tuscany. We rented a car and stayed at this wonderful agriturismo, which is like a bed and breakfast, outside of San Gimignano. Though some of our time was spent lost in the car trying to navigate the Italian road signs or lack there of (which we did master) it was so wonderful to drive and see such beautiful countryside together.

The home we stayed in was also wonderful. It is an old 1300s home that has been restored-they have kept and restored the terra cotta roofs and wooden beamed ceilings. It was gorgeous. It was a few miles outside of San Gimignano and we had a great view of the towers from outside their home.

We spent one day driving to Lucca and exploring San Gimignano. Had a wonderful dinner (maybe my favorite of the trip) in San Gimignano. Then the next day saw Montereggione (tiny town but has existing old wall surrounding), Montalcino, Pienza and Montepulciano. We sampled wonderful cheese, meats, vinegar and wine. In Montepulciano we stumbled into a wine store that had extensive cellars and sampled (and bought) some delicious wine. Our second night we ate at our Band B and it was incredible-lots of yummy wine, pasta, veggies, etc.
Great views, great time together.
San G

Famous Tuscan church displayed on calendars and postcards

Friday, June 7, 2013


I am too overwhelmed to go through my euro photos more so until then a few things I have enjoyed since being back
Greenway walks. And walks with my new neighbor dog Ruby. And of course seeing my neighbors and friends more. 
My yard, which has been petty self sufficient this year. I am glad for the late summer and the cool breeze that is sticking around. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Roma e Firenze

Our first 2 days were spent in Rome and Florence. Since I studied in Florence it honestly feels like going home, which may be why we keep wanting to go back there. The streets, the smells, the sounds are all so familiar and immediately draw me back to a wonderful four months of life. Anyway, here are a few highlights.
I met up with John and Mom in Rome and we saw some great pieces of art, churches and homes away from the main palaces. 
St. Peter's

In Palazzo Barberini

Piazza Navona

 In Florence we revisited some of our favorites; kept plenty of time to roam and shop in the Mercato, ate great meals and relaxed in my favorite Piazza.
John with his meat plate at Trattoria Spada


Shopping in the market

Wandered to find this ceramic shop that I went to as a student

Piazza della Signoria

Wine in the Piazza

Enjoying Santa Croce by night (post gelato :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013


The last month of life has been a whirlwind. And I think my body decided it was enough...having a sick day on the couch here. Which is giving me plenty of time to start the beastly task of going through the almost 1000 pictures I took from our trip to Italy and Croatia. Yipes!!
I haven't had enough time at home to really upack, both physically or mentally. But there is one thing I do know. The last month of I have been lucky enough to travel with my family...first with Dad and then with Mom and John. I loved each moment I got to share with them more than seeing each of the new and beautiful places along the way.
Shot from Florence...morning Cappi and Espresso.