Thursday, June 20, 2013


I have been slack on my blogging lately. I think a lot of it has to do with settling back into life and working through the transition. I say that as if I am on the other end...I don't think I am; I am in the midst of it and am recognizing that.
Last week in our small group we talked about change and how change is Spirit led. We cannot evoke the change we desire (as Paul has so eloquently said in Romans). Parts of me want to be past this phase, to have God answer the questions about life floating around in my head. But I realize that this season has it's place too, so I am attempting to settle into it and be patient. I also had a thought sitting in group that when God does change us, it can leave us in a place on the other side where things in life that used to fit no longer do-it can create a tension that leaves things uncomfortable or empty or just different. Maybe this is what I am feeling.
Either way, here I am....can't change that! :)

1 comment:

  1. How true and how wise.... Here we all are..... And God is present with us. And that is about as certain as life can be.
