Tuesday, July 30, 2013


   Today a friend sent along a clip from a Brene Brown interview. I know I have talked about Brene's work some...her books have been great for me-a lot about honesty, shame, living in who you are, love. Her interview was about the church and allowing brokenness and pain to be a part of it. Basically that life is not easy and we shouldn't act like it is. Or have the expectation. She refers to the idea that church should not be like an epidural for a laboring woman, more like a midwife gently encouraging her to work through the pain.
The idea of pain in the midst of the journey is something I need to hear right now.
She quoted a Leonard Cohen song, which I have always loved both for it's melody and the lyrics. Here is the quote:
  "Love is not a victory march, it's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah"
Hoping I have the bravery to embrace the broken Hallelujah's a bit more....

1 comment:

  1. Her analogy about the church is most poignant and true. Hopefully as we become more transparent it sets others free to do so. Life is a journey of joys, sorrows, disappointments, and delightful surprises.
    Our only constant is God's presence. What a gift!
