Sunday, July 7, 2013

Summer Sorbet

My pictures are not going to this justice. However, I found this recipe on pintrest and it far exceeded my expectations and was super easy.
They have several flavor options, but I chose for my first run to try Strawberry. They all call for bananas, which is apparently to thicken the sorbet-it didn't really make the sorbet taste like bananas. They also call for maple syrup. To say I dislike maple syrup is an understatement, so I substituted agave for the syrup. The nice thing is you can get all these ingredients on a Target run. Easy.
1 1/2 cups frozen strawberries (slightly thawed)
1 1/2 bananas (ripe)
1/4 cup lemon juice (one lemons' worth)
1/3 cup agave
Thaw the strawberries slightly before starting. Have a metal container in the freezer to put the sorbet in (all I have is a loaf pan :).
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Don't overblend. Place in chilled container and freeze until solid.
Looking forward to trying the other flavors.

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