Monday, April 2, 2012

Sewing Project

When we were kids, Mom taught us how to sew and Jenne and I sewed several things, including an awesome jam type outfit...mine was yellow with flowers hers was the same fabric but hot pink. So fitting.
Since then I have done a few small projects here and there but really not much. But a few months ago I found a tutorial on how to sew a skirt so I thought I would give it a whirl. I didn't intend to do it while Mom was here, but I am really glad I did because she taught me some fancy skills and helped make it look a lot more finished. And she is a patient teacher. And thanks to Leah for lending her sewing machine and tools :)
In classic Rebekah form I thought it would only take a little while to do, and of course it took a lot longer (yes, Danielle I still do this though I do think I am getting better at estimating time :)
If you are interested in the pattern here is the link. We made some adaptations to the pattern like doing french seams, sewing the top of the elastic pocket and sewing the elastic in in two spots to the waistband doesn't flip, etc.
All in all I think it turned out great!
Measuring and pinning
Mom, teaching me a thing or two
Me, making mistakes and fixing them
The finished product

I wore it this morning for Birthday Breakfast

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