Saturday, May 28, 2011

Quick update

Waiting my turn to get ready he in Vienna this morning. We have made it through Italy and it was as amazing as I remember it. Each day i thought this is my favorite day because it just got better and better. Highlights: being back in Florence where I studied 11 years ago and getting to wander and see all that I grew to Love so much; seeing a bunch of neat small towns like Mantova and Parma which still have masterpieces of art and giant churches; seeing giottos scrovegni chapel; eating amazing food and wine. No matter what you eat it is good; it could be pizza from a side street or restaurant food but it is amazing. My favorite was pumpkin ravioli. And we would just find a bottle of wine from a little store and you can take it and drink it anywhere you want. I enjoy the people and the language and just watching them interact. And I like seeing how fashionable every woman is...they wear 3 inch heels and ride bikes through the city and still look amazing.
Okay more later and pictures to come later. Ciao,

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I have been feeling tense and worried lately. I am sure I can attribute it to many things being uncertain in my life or desiring something that I don't have. Regardless, I woke up today and realized, yuck, I am wrestling with all this worry for no reason. Have I not been called to lay my burdens on the Lord and to trust him because he cares for me? It is so hard to do and so much easier to worry and hope that somehow I will figure out the solution to my worry. I want to be the one in control so badly so that I can know the future and know where I will be or how a situation will pan out. So instead I will go to one of my stand by truths:
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.' Isaiah 41:10

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wedding Weekend

Wow. What a whirlwind of a weekend. But so fun and filled with so many sweet memories of two good friends and their step into life together.
It was sweet to meet friends and family and to get to love Leah and be a part of it all. It was also fun to see all that she had planned for in the details of the day come to life. The farm where she got married was amazingly beautiful. Somehow I didn't end up with any pictures of the farm, but I am sure the photographer captured its beauty well.
Although it was chilly the ceremony was beautiful...very intimate and really when Randy, our pastor was saying his words to them, it felt like he was talking to only them. In his words for them he said that it is not about how they will keep these promises to one another but who...who is giving them the strength and the love and the ability to walk together.
Excited for my sweet friends!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lost Treasure

Life has been busy lately and usually when that happens I find that I rely more and more on myself and less and less on the Lord for things. I think that he woke me up early this morning on purpose so I would have time to sit and be still instead of rushing right into my day (as I had planned). Lately I have been thinking a lot about love and this parable keeps coming to mind and then I read it in the Jesus Storybook Bible this morning, so here it is. 
Matthew 13:44-46
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
My heart and head need every day to soak in this love that in great joy sacrifices it all for that i would know and experience such a love and have the freedom to walk in it for me to have all I need.  
This is a photo from Jesus Storybook Bible (Danielle would know this) but not from the story of the lost treasure. I just like this photo.

Friday, May 6, 2011


“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love."   Washington Irving

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May=Big Month

May is here! And it is a big and exciting month for several special people in my life. I have been anticipating this month for awhile, knowing that it will be filled with happiness, with change, with emotion, with joy. Danielle, close friend who sadly does not live near me anymore, will be adding baby #2 (otherwise known as Sam-I-Am, and Sam not necessarily being a boy) to their family. I am pulling for an early delivery so I will at least get to hear about it over the phone. I can't wait to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl and then start getting to know this new little one.
My other friends, Leah and Mark, will be getting married in less than 2 weeks! Weddings are always fun, but especially when you know both parts of the wedding party and when they are both good friends and you have been walking with them in life leading up to the big day. It is going to be such a fun week leading up to it and such a sweet time to stand with them as they step into the journey of life together.
And then later in May I am going on a long solely fun vacation (no work involved). I haven't been on a long non working vacation in a really long time, so I am excited. And I am excited about getting to spend time with my brother and mom and enjoy their company and the places we will venture too.
I am sure before I know it the month will be over, but I am going to try and enjoy each thing that comes along this month.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hiking with the Pops

Last weekend Dad and I went for our (attempt at) annual hiking days. We were a little uncertain of the weather prior to the days, but it was absolutely perfect!

 Dad and another friend have been doing the Appalachian Trail in sections, so Dad and I picked a stretch of the AT to do. It is situated perfectly between the two of us. Above is the view from Max Patch where we started. Day one we hiked close to 7 miles to our campsite and then 8 miles then next day back to our car.

 Me and Dad at the start of each day of hiking. We realized while hiking that I am exactly half of his age right now (well for one more day). It is too much math for me to think about if this happens for everyone, but it is kinda fun. Dad is great to hike with....first he is a champ. He can take on all the elevation and my long is impressive. He also has a lot of great knowledge about wildflowers and birds and the AT. He pointed out all sorts of wildflowers while we were hiking: wild iris, wild orchid, these crazy things called may apples below. We only saw one snake, no bears or other scary wildlife.

 We also passed a lot of thru-hikers....these are people who are hiking the entire AT. The whole thing is 2,181 miles and runs from Georgia to Maine. People who set out to do the entire things leave late March or early April and finish late September. We were going from North to South, so we crossed paths with about 20 hikers each day who were making the trek South to North. We talked with people who were doing it for the second or fourth time, to a girl who was on crutches, to a group of retired guys who named themselves the AARP, to people who had barely camped before taking this on. It is a fascinating thing to think about doing. The trail was originally thought of in the 1920s and completed by the 30s. It is crazy to think about hiking and carving out all of this trail and how long it would take. There are volunteers who keep up the trail and they do a great job of it.
Very fun times. Being outside and being away from all of the daily grind is so refreshing to my body and soul. I need more time like this to be in nature, to appreciate it and who created it, to be still and silent, to listen, to challenge my body (I was sore for a good 2 days afterwards). I can't wait for our next adventure together.
And happy early birthday Pops!