Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thursday-Milestone Day

Another week has passed...I am 6 weeks past my surgery. How Some days I struggle to be thankful...all I see is what I dislike about where I am. Other days I am thankful for this time. I am able to see how much progress I have made in 6 weeks. I can do things now that I haven't been able to do since December when all this started, which is a huge deal. Funny how perspective can make all the difference...What do I chose to focus on...
In other news, all this free time has given me tons of time to do things to get ready for Kenya. I know where we are on the supply front which is great. We have been working on a lot of stuff for the non-profit we are starting (Hearts of East Africa). I feel very organized ahead of time which is great. Especially because I know once I start back to work the fall will fly and it will be time to leave.
Now that I am at home, Mom and I have been bargain shopping for gifts for our patients. It is fun to get out and do it with Mom because she loves all things relating to Kenyans and gifts and Kenyan children...I have to restrain her.

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