Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kiss your Scars

A friend emailed me these lyrics from a Fray song before my surgery as encouragement in a different situation. It is from their song Heartbeat...
"I know the memories rushing into mind. I want to kiss your scars tonight. I'm laying here, 'Cause you've gotta try, you've gotta let me in, let me in"
They applied during that situation and I hadn't thought too much about it until I was cleaning out my inbox and found the email again last week. I started thinking more about how this has applied to this time.
My surgery obviously brought more physical scars that will remain with me and hopefully remind me of both the pain and sweetness of this time. But I think part of this season has been about me allowing the Lord to kiss my scars. But before I even got to that point, I had to allow him to point out what some of the wounds and scars are in my life...there have been some things that have come up that I was not anticipating or situations where I wouldn't have said I had a scar from that experience. But I did; we all carry around some deep wounds, some that I wasn't acknowledging. And those un-kissed scars continue to bring pain, to bring shame, to change how I view myself, change my ability to trust. But until I can identify that wound and scar it left, I cannot allow the healing to begin, to allow God to kiss my scars, to enter into that pain and speak the truth.
I have known this about myself for years, but I so dislike pain I try to avoid it at all costs and when I am in a painful situation I fight what God is trying to do in it. I wish I could say I have matured in this, but I haven't (shocker!) and I fought these last 2+ months a lot. But the good news is, he doesn't allow me to wreck what he has for me. And I am glad he doesn't because I have needed every painful minute (as I say this I am also hoping it doesn't mean there are more in store :).
Lamentations 3:22-23 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness

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