Friday, June 3, 2011

Slow Down

I have returned from my fabulously adventure filled and relaxing vacation abroad. It has been a long time since I went on a pure vacation for this long..I honestly can't remember when that time was. It was nice, much needed, and helped me realize a few things about me that I wasn't seeing here in the ole US of A.
The over-riding message right now is how much I need to slow down, to take time to not be busy or even over stimulated by electronics (as I am right now :)) to just be still. We were busy every day that we were gone, but we still managed to take time each day to just sit...either in some beautiful Piazza somewhere, on a park bench or back at our hotel. We would just sit and take it in or talk or read or play cards. I need time like that. I realize that in my constant busy-ness there is part of me that thinks I am a better person because of that, or working to get closer to God, or more productive, or am just ignoring the fears or feelings hiding beneath the surface.
I am going to try and slow down more on days off or even work days... I know I won't always have views like this to look at, but regardless I can enjoy the peace and quiet that my soul needs.

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