Monday, September 19, 2011

Cooking Ventures

I feel like I should write more about living and enjoying food in my limited spectrum in the DF, MF (dairy free, meat free for those up you not up on the slang) world. The comment I hear most frequently is "I could never give up dairy...I love (fill in the blank with milk, cheese, ice cream)" too much. Then people usually proceed to go on talking about all the yumminess I avoid. Well, yes, I love those things too. But the reality hasn't been as bad as you would think and obviously knowing that it makes me feel bad is the easiest way to avoid it. That being said, the other night I tried a new and delicious vegetable. I had been hearing about this from several friends at work and then saw it on sale so decided to try it. What is it, you may be wondering?
Spaghetti squash! It was great and really easy to cook and once cooked almost turns out like spaghetti. Once the inside gets cooked and soft you can take a fork and make it stringy like angel hair pasta and scoop it out...pretty fun.
Okay here is what you do. (I did not take pictures as I made it because it was after work and I was starving!! (image from
You can either cut the squash before you cook it, but it is tough, so I stabbed it like you do a baked potato and baked it whole in the oven at 375. After it had been baking for 20 minutes I took it out, cut it in half, scooped out all the seeds and then put it back in the oven for 20-25 more minutes. Bake it until it is soft.
Then when you take it out, rake a fork through it and scoop out the insides. That is it.
I am told you can cut it in half before hand, scoop out the seeds and then microwave it for about 5 minutes in water and get the same results.
I served mine with pesto I had made and frozen earlier this summer, but you can do it with pasta sauce, butter/oil and spices...whatever.
It was delicious and apparently low in calories and a good source of vitamin a, folic acid and potassium.
Maybe I will post my pesto recipe sometime soon.

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