Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blog Anniversary

I started blogging a year ago from yesterday. I missed my blog anniversary since my day was filled with the teaching of the students. But today I have had some space to relax and enjoy and be still and think, among other things, about this blog.
I am glad I started this ole blog...I know it doesn't get much traffic, but it has been a therapeutic place for me. I have been able to live life, to bring words to my heart and head and to have some fun posts too. It is good for me and so I will continue on in my postings, though they are more rare then in the past. I have always been someone who journals but I mostly journal my prayers because my mind tends to jump around a lot. This is like a journal to me too (though, lucky for you, not as vulnerable as the paper one)...this one is just easier to go back and find certain trains of thoughts. It serves as an Ebeneezer to look back and see trials, growth, learning. And maybe it serves others too. Who knows.
The following was part of my original post and part of my impetus to start blogging. My diagnosis of RA had turned my life in directions I didn't know were possible. And the lyrics from Andrew Peterson's song were (and still are) words that spoke deeply to my heart to remind me of truth.
 Love below me
Love around me
Love above me
Love has found me
Love has found me here

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