Saturday, November 27, 2010

Giving Thanks

This year I got to attend family Thanksgiving! That is a lot to give thanks for because it has been 4 years since I have gotten to be at the Bruce family thanksgiving. This year, Richmond hosted, and not everyone was able to make it (as happens now that we are all older) but it was a lot of fun. This is the kid representation. This year there was no kid table. Now if you have attended Bruce family thanksgivings in past years there is always an adult table and a kid table. Every year we older kids hope to graduate to the adult table. I don't think John has ever made it to the adult table. But with the smaller crowd we all got to sit at the same table. Funnily enough we sat kids at one end and adults at the other...maybe we secretly like the kid table.
A few games of speed scrabble and quiddler happened, some pool (turns out uncle dave is pool shark), football, and crosswords and lots of lounging. 

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