Monday, November 22, 2010

Infinite Wisdom

So, in light of my post yesterday about my pain and the newness of life with RA, I decided to post about some of the things I have been learning in the waiting. Waiting is and always will be a challenging thing in life; I want things now, I don't want to be in a place of uncertainty and mystery, I want to know what is happening next and even more so, why. The why question can lead us down so many of the wrong paths to where we are so hung up on knowing why we can't see anything else around us.
In our girls bible study we are reading a book simply entitled Waiting by Ben Patterson. Great great book so far. We are only in chapter 3 or 4 but each chapter has really challenged the idea of waiting and the ideas of how I view the Lord. He uses the lives of Job and Abraham to talk about the idea of waiting. So far we have been in the chapters on Job. Here is a quote from the book: "For reasons we can only guess at, God chooses in his infinite wisdom and love not to answer many of our "Why?" questions. But he does always give us his presence. As we suffer and wait it is better to forget about finding out "Why" and instead learn about "Who." For He is the treasure to be found in all that hurts us."
Comfort in Greek means to come alongside and this is the picture that I have of my God, coming alongside me in my pain and fears and being present and reminding me that he is providing and that is all I need to know. I don't need to know the next step or what the "purpose" of the pain is, I am simply to trust in Him and rest in his presence with me.

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