Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Friday Cabinet

I thought I posted about this months ago, but I was mistaken. I know I was waiting for awhile because I wanted to complete it a bit more before showing photos.
The back story: I bought my first place a little over 3 years ago. At that time my parents wanted to get me some kind of housewarming gift. Well, I didn't really know what I needed or even what my sense of style was at that point so I held off. Mom kept her eyes open and kept pressing me to find out what I was liking or thinking would be useful. Through Amani opening their store she has become a regular at this store called Lost in is a kind of furniture/antique/random collection of items...a truly classic place. You never know exactly what you might find there. But, she has gotten to know Jerry, the owner, and he started looking out for Mom for me.
What they came up with is amazing... I love it!
And one of the things I love most about it is the story behind the furniture. This is called a Friday Cabinet. So when this was made, carpenters used to make pieces out of a certain type of wood each day of the week. For example Monday pieces were made of Walnut, Tuesday made of Pine....etc. But on Friday they would use all the leftover pieces to make a cabinet..hence the name Friday Cabinet. So it is very can see some of the different pieces and grains of wood, but it all blends so beautifully together.
And the fun part was filling it....
This is my favorite shelf. I found these bottles and sifter at the Flea Market here...they are old medicine bottles. That picture is of my grandparents. I never got to meet my Grandfather and Janie Mom, my Grandmother was only alive for the first few years of my life. This is a picture of the two of them together on vacation and they just look so joyful and happy together. Mom passed a copy of the photo on to me awhile back and it is one of my favorite things.
So that is my Friday Cabinet...

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