Monday, August 29, 2011


Tim Keller:"The critical factor in my faith is not it's strength but it's object."

Romans 8:24 "for in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes in what he already sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it."

When I get frustrated in my unbelieving I usually find myself thinking, even subconsciously, that I need to do more, believe harder, should have done better, etc. Faith is a hard thing... it is hard to believe in what we can't see or believe in promises we read but don't always feel. I like this Keller quote. To me it takes me out of the equation in terms of how hard I believe, it takes the guilt out of it, it gives some handholds to this difficult to grasp thing called faith. It isn't how hard I believe, but what I believe or where I am placing my hope. Which then leads me to the next question: what am i believing or where am I placing my hope?
It is so much easier for me to believe in the things I can see or feel or touch. I am at his mercy to even start this process. What I bring is my helplessness, my need, my inability and my desire to be in this place of faith. It is a fight most days to have this posture, to loose the control I think I have, to be willing to let him work and to see my need.

What is the object of your faith today?

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