Saturday, August 13, 2011


Mark 12:44 ...for they put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her povery, put in all she owned, all she had to live on.
This is the story of  Jesus' observations of people gifts. I have read this before, but this time around it hit me in a different way. In the past I have thought more about the generosity monetarily. But I was thinking more about the woman's trust. She gave all that she had..all the money she needed to live on and get to the next day, not to mention the next week, she gave. She gave, trusting that God would provide for her needs. What trust! Not only do I not have that kind of generosity, I don't have that kind of faith.
I also know that I hold on to certain parts of my life, thinking I have control and wishing to live in that illusion, rather than surrendering all. I live in an illusion of wealth...that I have something to contribute in this whole deal.
I long to live with this kind of recognition of my need and this faith of conviction and action.

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