Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Making Room for Imperfection

The past few weeks I have been learning the tough lesson of putting aside a lot of my expectations and ideas and submitting and trusting. Eesh...I have failed pretty badly at it. I have been in charge of organizing some stuff and things weren't working out as easily as planned. I know in my mind I had this ideal scenario of how people were going to be running to participate and loving every second of what came out of it. Well, the first problem was people were in no way running. And suddenly my ideal plan was taking on a shape of its own that I wasn't too crazy about. In the midst of the process I found myself bitter, angry, blaming others, trying so hard to hold onto my picture of things.
Long story short everything turned out great...I was just the one having problems letting it turn into what it was going to turn into. I had trouble giving up control; I had trouble letting go of my ideal expectation; I had trouble being okay with things not being perfect and laying my pride to rest; I had trouble not feeling like I was letting people down by not having it be this certain way. I had trouble making room for imperfection. And the imperfection that came out of it was a beautiful picture and one I could not have created on my own.
I am sure there are many other areas in my life where I need to make room for imperfection....dare I ask for those to be revealed?
Once I have a few pictures from the experience I will post them.

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