Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Festivities

One of my favorite things to do in the fall is go to the Pumpkin Patch in Franklin. I love walking through the rows and rows of pumpkins on the vine and finding a good one. So pretty much every year I make my friends come along :) And strangely every year we go on a day where it is really warm..hence the tank tops and shorts people have on.
Kristen and Ben got some awesomely big pumpkins...on the vine they are still green and will turn orange as the sun ripens them. I was into the little guys this year and I love these light orange ones.
Oh and check on the giant squash that I picked out of the garden last week. I think that the summer garden is over now that we have had some cold days. But our potatoes are sprouting again and the lettuce I planted is starting to pop out of the ground.
More on Kenya updates next is coming up so soon!! If you have been looking at the news there is some unrest going on on the Somali Kenya border so just pray for peace and wisdom as we continue preparing to go.

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