Thursday, October 13, 2011

National Arthritis Day

In honor of National Arthritis Day (which was yesterday)I decided I would talk about my newest endeavor in the world of RA....acupuncture. I have been thinking about trying it for awhile and finally decided to bite the bullet when a friend gave me a recommendation. I don't fully understand how acupuncture works but this is my understanding as of yet. It is an ancient Chinese tradition that works with the body's energy, or Qi (yes, the infamous scrabble word we all use at some point). It doesn't claim to cure disease but relieve symptoms and help put the body back to a balanced state of health so hopefully the symptoms don't reoccur. It is used for all sorts of symptoms.
I went with really no expectations. The first treatment I was a little freaked out but since then I have found it to be the most relaxing thing I have ever experienced. Yes, sounds insane that laying somewhere with a bunch of tiny needles can be relaxing but it is. And no it doesn't hurt...every once in awhile when he puts one in it pinches a little but you really don't notice them.
One of the most annoying symptoms of RA for me has been fatigue...I walk around feeling like I got 4 hours of sleep even though I have had 9. But since starting the acupuncture my energy has increased and I feel, most days, way more like normal. And I have been able to come down on my steroids. So they may have made a believer out of me.
Happy Arthritis Day!

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