Thursday, January 19, 2012


I haven't written about what I have been reading for awhile, but I am glad because I just finished one of the best books I have read in awhile. (And yes, I do check out the large print version of books from the library because you can get them faster...)

It is the true story of Louis Zamperini. Author Laura Hillenbrand starts with his beginnings as a punk kid who turns into a track star and eventually a bombardier in WW II. You learn a lot of this immediately in the book so I am not ruining things too much. His plane goes down and he survives a ridiculous amount of time on a raft drifting in the Pacific to then be taken to a POW camp in Japan. There he endured brutal conditions. It is an amazing story of survival and resilience. Though it is tough to read at times I understand the war in a different way from reading this book. And I just loved Louis.
Now I have these Christmas gifts waiting for me.

Oh and another great read if you want to fit it in before the movie comes out is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. It is a quirky sweet story of a boy who is searching to discover what lies beneath a key he found that belonged to his deceased father. I read it years ago when it was first written so I don't remember too many details but I am interested to see the movie and what they will do with the story.

1 comment:

  1. fun! but i'm a tad jealous wishing i had more (maybe just any) time to read. =)
