Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Raise your Ebeneezer

Been reading some in 1 Samuel lately...
But I will instruct you in the good and right way. Only fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all your heart, for consider what great things he has done for you.  1 Samuel 12:23-24
Samuel took a stone and set it between Mitzpah and Shen and named it Ebeneezer saying "Thus far the Lord has helped us."  1 Samuel 7:12
I was going to post this several weeks ago but then got a little slack on the blog. And honestly I needed this post to happen now because I needed a reminder of how I had walked through this time of remembrance with joy in the midst of some current ungratefulness.
About a month ago I realized how some small events (or seemingly small at the time) had led to a lot of other things happening that have led to this fullness of community and life here for me. Then as I was reading in Samuel I was reminded of the importance of this process of looking back and remembering what God has done. Seems fitting now with the New Year.
But somewhere over the course of the last few weeks I have forgotten about an Ebeneezer stone and instead focused on what I see as negatives in my life right now. So I am thankful for a reminder to remember and to hopefully turn my grumbling into joy.

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