Thursday, February 2, 2012


Today I bought a juicer, off Craig's List, and no I didn't go alone to pick it up.
I am about to try it out for the first time but am excited to have it. I have been slightly intrigued by the idea of juicing since a friend of mine, also with an autoimmune disease, says she feels best when she does it. Then John and I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead over Christmas. This is a documentary about a guy who starts a juice fast and in the process loses a lot of weight but is also able to essentially cure himself of an autoimmune condition and get off all the meds he takes for it. It is funny and eye opening and fascinating. So I am going to try some juicing. I don't think I will be doing any kind of juice fast but who knows.
Today I am going to try carrot apple juice...will tell you how it goes later!

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