Friday, February 24, 2012


Psalm 136 is right up my alley. It is full of repetition which I know is what my heart needs in order to continue to know truth. This Psalm talks about giving thanks to God and what he has done:
 Give thanks to the Lord or lords.
     His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to him who alone does mighty miracles.
     His faithful love endures forever.
It goes on to talk about all the wonders of what he has done.
But what I love about it it is that the end of each line of a wonder, it repeats His faithful love endures forever. This steady repetition reminds me over and over that his love is always here with me.
It is repeated 26 times.
I don't know if David wrote this Psalm, but whoever did is just like need of letting these words pour over my soul that so easily forgets how great a love surrounds me.

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