Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Last week I was talking to my friend about her daughter learning how to share. We were laughing about the funny things her daughter is doing to try and keep from sharing and what a tough lesson it is to learn.
I have been thinking about how this relates to me.
I am the same way...I don't want to share control. No matter how much I think I am getting "better" at it, I still find myself fighting to be in control of my life. Whether it is trying to be in control of how people view me or what my future holds or how I feel, I want to know that I will feel good or be okay. I spend so much effort protecting my comfort and the things I think will make me happy, when my freedom and fulfillment lie in submitting to God, in trusting his control.
Somehow it helps me to put pictures or ideas to the complexities of my heart. And thinking about it in this way has helped me see how many ways I fight to share control of my life all the time. Thankful for his grace that continues to love and provide and be faithful to such a broken me.

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