Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Song for Tuesday

I am a big Andrew Peterson fan and I follow his posts on the Rabbit Room blog. I like his music because of the richness and honesty of his lyrics. Last week he posted about a group of musicians he knows who will be touring with him. He talked about a song they sing called To the Ends of the World that brings him to tears, so I decided it was worth my 99 cents on itunes. And let me tell you, it has been worth it. Besides the fact that I like the style of music the lyrics speak such truth.
I think it is a song of grief or fear that leads us to run, yet no matter what, we can't run away from God's love. It also reminds me of community and how important it is to have people in your life who will stand and not leave you even in the midst of the yuck. Here are some of the lyrics:
you run as far as you can run from love..

you fight you fight love like a champion fights..
to the ends of the world
i run as fast as i can run to love

i fight for you i fight until I've died for you still you can't escape my heart 
you can't escape my heart cause my heart runs to the ends of the world
and your heart is broken
 you try to run yet you hardly stand 
and your knees are shaking your stride is breaking like your running in the sand 
and your pace is slowing and your eyes they see nowhere 
when i have you in arms i feel you in my arms you know where love begins 

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