Saturday, June 2, 2012


I am about a month away from immobility. Yikes! Last month I worked a lot of overtime. Now I am trying to enjoy things these days, which makes me wonder why I don't have this attitude all the time. It's weird how a time limit and some other stuff has made me realize I have settled into a pattern, not necessarily a bad pattern, but one where I don't always think a lot about what I am doing it or why I am doing it. I will have plenty of time to contemplate all of this soon in my hours of down time.
But for now, back to enjoying things...the other day I was dusting and actually found myself enjoying even something like that. I don't actually think I will miss dusting when I sit on my couch but I know I will miss using my legs. So even though it hurts I am trying to max it out this month. Planning for some good day hikes, been biking more, going out on a river today, going on get the picture. I am also enjoying my hydrangeas a lot this year..been waiting for them to finally bloom so well!

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