Monday, October 1, 2012

Sacred Journey

Frederick Buechner wrote a book called A Sacred is one of the books I am currently in the midst of reading. It is his memoir, his telling of his life, his story, the people, the experiences, all the things that shaped him; his sacred journey. The following is an old prayer followed by his words...
"'For all they blessings, known and unknown, remembered and forgotten, we give thee thanks.' is for all the unknown ones and the more than half-forgotten ones that we do well to look back over the journeys of our lives because it is their presence that makes the life of each of us a sacred journey."
Last week I came up with 8 reasons why I am thankful for RA. It was a tough list to start writing but once I did I was encouraged to see these 8 things that I can be thankful for. I think I could make a longer list than that for reasons I am thankful for the past 3 months, brutal as they have been at times. In the midst of the brutality I so easily forget how to worship, how to be thankful, how to see out of the haze and I think each time that I emerge that the next time will be different. Maybe each time of pain has been a bit different, maybe my list of 8 will serve me the next time I am angry at God about my RA, I don't know, but the process of looking back, of thankfulness is an important one. It is important for us to see our lives as sacred journeys.

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