Wednesday, October 24, 2012


In Ecclesiastes 3 it talks about there being a time for everything under the sun. 2 of the things there is a time for is to reap and a time to sow.
Right now feels like a time to reap. I got cleared from PT today; a lot of sowing went into that process. I am leaving for Kenya today; a whole lot of sowing went into getting everything ready for this trip.
So much has happened in my heart and mind in the past 4 months. It feels like there has even been some reaping from all the challenges and working through learning more about myself work that I have been doing.
I am excited to see what God has for me in this reaping season. Here we go!
I should get to Tenwek by Friday lunchtime-ish so hopefully I'll be able to get to a computer and give an update.

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