Saturday, October 27, 2012

These Dogs are Barking

If you haven't seen Planes, Trains and Automobiles then sorry for the title. Basically I am beat! We worked from 8 until 6 organizing and unpacking today. We managed to make it to the Canteen for a Stoney (my favorite drink ever...think really ginger-y soda) but otherwise worked through.
Pictures do better than words here. There is a storage place at Tenwek called the cages. All our Cardiac stuff gets stored there in between our trips. We started the morning off down there going through what is there and hauling it up the ramps to the Recovery Room, OR and new storage room for the Pumps and perfusion supplies.
Once it was all up it was a mess! But we powered through and managed to get everything organized neatly (which required taking everything out of their usual storage space in the recovery room to fit our stuff) and neatly labeled, thanks to Michael. We are ready for the next wave to arrive tomorrow with more supplies.
We have newly donated monitors and vents so life is looking better than it usually does at this point!
The wireless is being pretty slow, so I'll have to add pictures tomorrow morning if I can.
The words to Mumford and Sons new song Below My Feet have been running through my head all day.
   Let me learn from where I have been; 
   Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn
 That has been one of my prayers since hearing these great lyrics...that God would keep my eyes and my hands open to where he wants me to be. I love this place so much, but I think for the first year I am open to where God has me going and where he desires me to be, whether that is returning here year after year or digging into something new. Like so many things in life right now I am trying to learn to hold onto what I have less tightly, to be open to what the next steps in my life are, to be open to the fact that things in my life may need to change.
  We were talking about the Kenyans' faith today, how they see everything as coming from God and not really thinking of much coming from their own work. How different that is from how I view my life..I think I have earned something so how could I ever think of letting it go.
  Okay, off to bed. Will try to post again tomorrow and maybe get some pictures in there if the internet is better.

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