Tuesday, January 1, 2013



My friend sent me this picture today. It feels appropriate for the start of the year, for the beginning of some new paths and new experiences.
2012 was the year that I feel like I re-found myself. Let's be honest, RA knocked the wind out of my sails. It left my scrounging to exist in my world and I found myself partially functioning, though I didn't realize it at the time.
Lots of events converged to help me re-find myself this year...a big part of it was my surgery, the hated time of rest and time to realize I needed to do some serious me work. This led me to counseling, which I think everyone should spend time doing, and not only finally learning how to grieve my RA but also how to walk through my feelings, how to feel and what to do with the feelings, how to not be ashamed of who I am and how to hopefully start walking as God has created me to be. Lots of hard work, but I could not be more thankful for the year that was 2012. Rough patches and all. As all the years past, I could not have made it here without my friends and family.
And now to 2013...a whole 365 days of possibility...of hopefully learning more about who I am and how to live in who I was created to be.

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