Monday, January 21, 2013


I am getting so behind in posting about our trip!! The last time I posted we were in Bend. We found a great hike outside of town to do that morning. Hiked to some 100 ft falls in the snow. It was cold but a beautiful cloudless blue sky kind of day. The falls were rushing but at the bottom they formed almost glacier like ice shapes with an aqua hue. Really amazing. We went back into bend for a yummy lunch and coffee and hit the road for Portland. (Btw I love Bend-everyone should visit!)
This part of the drive was the diciest and had potential to not happen. We drove up a mountain pass that leads you right next to Mount Hood. There are lots of signs there telling you to carry chains, whoops:) it was fine, though, I was just the slow tennessee driver everyone passed when they got the chance. We stopped and got out at the lodge at mount hood. It really does feel like you are in Switzerland or somewhere totally different.
Then we made the drive down to Portland. We didn't really do anything in the city other than get lost and go to Powell's the largest bookstore I have ever seen! My relatives live outside the city so we stayed with them.
Here are a few shots.

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