Sunday, January 27, 2013


I have been here for a week now, which is crazy! I have been at work for the majority of the week-today is my first day off since starting Tuesday.
I am progressively getting lost less, have figured out some off the ways of the streets here and have found a Trader Joes, a gym and today a Target, all pretty close to me. Everyone says the traffic in Seattle is horrible and it isn't awesome, but I think I avoid the worst of it since I drive from West to East to work and avoid downtown. I have yet to go on the (one) interstate that feeds the city.
I have a pretty lake a few miles away to walk around, there is access to a (small) beach near my house and I am sure there is a lot more...I'll get there eventually. In general it is really pretty here, even being in a city!
I want to post more pictures but again, I'll get there eventually.
Today I finally finished unpacking and put some things on the wall and have started to look at some places I want to go explore. It is hard because I want to go out there and check out the area but right now I feel like I am at work constantly :)
Work has been good-the unit is good, very similar to ours with some differences. It is strange to be somewhere different though and I think the hardest thing will be to do some things differently when I know how we do things at Vanderbilt...gonna have to learn to restrain myself probably :) I orient the rest of the week (on nights-eeks!!) and then will be on my own the week after.
Ok that is it for now...going to the gym and then to have dinner with some other travel nurses and watch Downton Abbey :)!!

1 comment:

  1. Miss you Nes....glad you are getting settled in!! And just remember to say "well at Vandy we....." haha Just kidding!!
