Friday, October 8, 2010


I wish Nashville had an Ikea, though it might not be good for the ole wallet. It was rainy and cold in Philly, so we made a trip to Ikea. And even though all I had was a my carry on sized suitcase I still managed to do a little damage. Who knew I needed a new comforter? Here it is in its new home.


  1. how long will the pile stay off the bed? has it already reappeared since the quilt change and photo op? heehee! looks good!

  2. Love it, Nezzy! Had I seen it in the store, i really would have thought of you :-)
    Ha---I like what Danielle said above. As a former roomie of yours, I remember "the pile". Of course, my pile was about three times as big as yours, but nevermind that...
