Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Philly Photos

My camera is nowhere near as stellar as Leah or Danielle's, but I did manage to sneak a few photos of our time together in Philly. The first day it was sunny and beautiful fall weather and then the rainy fall weather arrived. So we spent some time outside at the park swinging (well Lydia swinging and us being entertained) and some in, made a lot of yummy meals (and vegetarian, thanks!), drank plenty of coffee, played with this little one, and spent a lot of time talking.
We ventured out in the drizzle to the library and for a tour of some of downtown Philly. Lydia wasn't so sure about my head being so close to hers in this photo. One thing I love about where they live is that we can walk most places (my favorite being the bakery for fresh bread).
Lydia was prepared for the rain. Tuesday we gave into the rain and bought Beauty and the Beast to watch in the cold drizzle...that is an all time favorite! Fun times, only wish they got to happen every day...

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