Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Good news from my Rheumatologist today...I went in expecting him to start me on another new medicine and was delighted to find he doesn't think that I need that right now. Yay! So I get to stick with my once a week shot and of course still the steroids. I feel really blessed to have found such a kind doctor who knows me and cares about me and what I am going through.
It is funny how in my mind I always expect the worst or take a scenario and play it out a few years down the line and see how horrible this one event will make my life. Why is my brain so programmed to think the worst is it so I am prepared or do I believe that it is the course of my life. Matthew 6 contains some of the wise words about not worrying. Before those words, it talks about storing up treasures in heaven, (v. 21) for where the treasure is, there your heart will be also. So if my heart is consumed with worry or expecting the worst, what does that say about what my treasure health, my circumstances, what I see around me??? Some food for thought later.

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