Thursday, October 7, 2010

Striving after Wind

A friend directed me towards Ecclesiastes a few weeks ago. I don't know that I have ever really stopped and sat in this book before. I am still not finished even with a first read through, but the Lord is speaking through it! Today there were a lot of verses that stopped me, but this one in particular was applicable to life right now.
Ecclesiastes 4:6: "One handful of rest is better than two fist fulls of labor and striving after the wind". If you know me, you know rest is a big challenge for me and giving up control of things is difficult. So here I stand asking the Lord to teach me what resting looks like. I know one thing, choosing the opposite, striving after the wind, sounds pretty tiring and quite frankly silly. I may be sacrificing whatever is in my fist fulls, but I think that is the all things the Lord, not my labor or frivolous striving, will provide.

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