Sunday, April 10, 2011

Johnny Appleseed

Remember the Johnny Appleseed song? I grew up in a house where we sang blessings and then went to camps (and still do) where we sing blessings. And this was one we sang: "O the Lord is good to me, and so I thank the Lord, for giving me the things I need, the sun and the rain and the apple seed. The Lord is good to me"
Is it really this simple? I forget the Lord's goodness every day and become ungrateful and impatient and look at everyone around me and what they have that I don't have. Yet, if I did stop and look at my own life, I would see all the ways the Lord is good to me as well. Everyone's lives and blessings just look different. 
If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own son, but delivered him over us all, how will he not also with him freely give us all things? Rom 8:31-32

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