Saturday, April 23, 2011

My new friend

Here is my newest medicine friend:
It is called Humira and hopefully it is going to get my RA under control for me. It is essentially a Tumor Necrosis Factor blocker. What does that mean? Well, TNF is an inflammatory signal that helps mount an immune response in your body. In a normal person it helps fight an rally all the troops that need to come in and kill a bug. In my case it is running haywire and attacking the fluid around my joints. So this medicine will keep that TNF under control, thus hopefully stopping the joint attacking and the also the pain.
This medicine is called a biologic and there is a whole class like this. They are expensive because they are all injections and for whatever reason are expensive...I am not really sure I don't understand how insurance works, but I am thankful for it because it made this over $700 dollar medicine only $5. What?? I know, insane. Thankful that I don't have to pay a second mortgage for my monthly medicine. But how do people afford these things? Don't worry, I won't digress to health care issues.
My fun new medicine comes with this cool carrying case that you can fit an ice pack in as it is refrigerated. Woo! Got to get excited about something here when you are in the business of giving yourself shots.
Anyway, me and Humira have been friends for almost a month and hopefully it is starting to work its magic in there. Fingers crossed!

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