Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Back in Nashville...seems fitting that it is rainy and gloomy outside. Our travels were good, though of course long (6 hour van ride, 2 8 hr flights, several layovers and an 1ish flight). Even though I have done this so much I still forget this adjustment time...this time of feeling a little bit numb to all my feelings, of not wanting to be back at home even though I love my life here, of being sad, of missing the green hills and warm smiles and hot ICU with all its Kenyan sounds and smells, of working til my body and mind are exhausted but knowing my work is not in vain. I feel confident that my life is here and not supposed to be thousands of miles across the ocean at this point in life. And I also feel confident that this experience is a part of my life in these few weeks every year. So I am hoping for some time to process and to allow my feelings settle in, to allow myself time to let my experience settle in since it whizzed by so fast.
I will post some photos maybe by later today if I get around to my camera. Until then Ephesians 3:20:
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us. 

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