Friday, November 11, 2011

Pole (pronounced po-le, in Swahili)

Pole means slowly in swahili. The Kenyan nurses will say it to our patients as we get them out of bed or give them water. They will say pole pole. I think I need to write pole and post it on my wall, my mirror, in my car...I need this reminder to slow down.
Yesterday I was walking somewhere and in my usual way was speed walking. I didn't need to walk patient didn't need the lasix from the pharmacy stat, but I was walking quickly. I got stuck behind three Kenyans strolling through Tenwek and I realized how hurried I always am even in day to day life. Not to mention in my mind or in how much I want to run ahead of God.
Our patients from yesterday are doing well. Eunice got off the vent right before I went to bed last night and as we were pulling her breathing tube out she was already saying water (or wata as they say it). So she perked right up and had a good night. Right now she is sitting in a wheelchair with beads on playing a recorder.
Teresia was our second patient of yesterday who had her mitral valve replaced. She came out of the OR last night extubated and is also doing well.  She is still pretty sleepy but I am sure she will perk up today.
Beauty is still with us and is looking a little more alive today. Everytime you say her name she says hallo. Our other friends moved onto the floor today. Caroline walked outside before she left and was ready to run.
They are going to try and do 3 cases today to make the most of the week, so hopefully they will be fairly speedy as I will be the only nurse in here after about midnight tonight.
Going to get some rest now before I come back tonight. This weekend there are a few of us running the ICU so prayers for our patients having no complications and for good working dynamics and rest for each of us in our time off. The next group of people will arrive on Sunday.
This morning before the nightshift nurses left Caroline called them over and wanted to pray with us. I have no idea what she said, but it was so heartfelt and dear. I love getting to spend this time with each of these sweet people.

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