Sunday, July 22, 2012


Danielle has this in her house and I have been thinking about it a lot this week.
One of the biggest challenges thus far has been thankfulness and really, as this is the root of thankfulness, trust. I have fought a lot with being angry and annoyed that God would have me in this same place I was 3 years ago. Didn't I learn enough the last time around? Wasn't that and the last 2+ years with RA challenge enough for awhile? That is honestly what I have thought...a lot. My desire for life to be easy and not painful is so strong. I have had some pretty ugly words with God in the past 2 weeks, but even in spite of my gross attitude, God has brought change to my heart.
And in that I have been thinking about how to be thankful in each day, in this time, in the pain and frustration and in the unanswered questions.

1 comment:

  1. my house is haunting (maybe loving?) you from 800+ miles away. =)
