Thursday, April 4, 2013


One theme that continues resurfacing here is the following: No matter where I go, what I see, what job I get, what friends I have, what new experience happens, what I look like...none of those false loves will ever fill the place that is reserved for God's love for me and for how that satisfies. I think I learned that early on just in being in a new place and the excitement of it all, in experiencing so much, of realizing that he is the creator of that all. Now I am seeing it more in the days that are tough the days that though I may see and experience such beauty and wonder I am alone physically. There are days that are tough here. And days that are amazing. Days where I feel alone. Days where I feel surrounded by God's goodness and am okay being physically by myself. In the midst of all of that I am learning how his love surrounds and provides for it all.
I couldn't find it in the book, but in Brene Brown's latest book, Daring Greatly, she talks about being baptized in her bathtub all the time. I have taken a lot of baths here, one because I have this amazing giant tub and two because I have a lot of free nights and it is a great place to relax, read, listen to music, be with my thoughts. Tonight I was baptized again-reminded of such a great love as this. To put this opportunity in front of me to be here for the wonder and the challenge and mostly to learn more about him.

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