Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I was catching up on my Rabbit Room blogs the other night. The writer, Thomas McKenzie,
wrote a quick post about Bennan Manning's passing. The words were beautiful and true:
If you read him, please remember that the Holy Spirit is working through him in spite of all his personal failings. Thank God, because that’s how He works in all of us.
Brennan Manning's book, Ruthless Trust, turned my life around in a time where I was confused and lost and above all needed someone to point me to a God who does not require perfection or to have life figured out in order to come and receive. Honestly, his personal imperfections and humility in owning them was what made faith appealing to me again.
One thing this journey has done is to reveal more of my true grossness-something about being all alone and not being able to hide behind other people or other responsibilities. Suddenly my fears and imperfections seem on display. And more and more layers just keep being revealed. It really is quite lovely :) But in the midst of it I realize how much I want people to see me in a certain light and I think most of us walk around that way. Why can't I let people see my imperfections? I hope I am able to allow those to shine through a bit more...and that I can not be ashamed of them, knowing that I bring nothing to the table.

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