Saturday, March 19, 2011


Aren't expectations the worst? This may be more of a thing girls struggle with, but maybe not. In my mind I play out most any scenario: a conversation, a day off, running into someone, what next month may look like, how someone else will respond to me...the list could go on and can be quite embarrassing. Expectations rob me of so much...they don't allow me to enjoy the present, they always leave me disappointed because in my head, every scenario ends perfectly ( getting my way). And I start to trust in the promise of what any of these things bring instead of the Lord. If I have an expectation that a friend needs to live up to, instead of enjoying them, I am waiting for them to fulfill all my needs. If I have an expectation that I will feel better by next week, then when next week comes and I still feel like junk, I am just sad and mad about it. I quit trusting that the Lord has promised to love me and provide and instead trust all these feelings and fake scenarios.
I think the movie 500 days of Summer played this out perfectly. Hopefully this link works. You probably don't have to watch the whole 3 minutes to get the idea. If you didn't see the movie (it was good) but he is in love with the girl in the clip (and she is not in love with him). He leaves let down by the situation because he had already played out the whole night in his head and, of course, it looks nothing like his expectations.
This is just something I have been aware of lately, especially as I am trying to take one day at a time and trust and live it for what may actually be there, not what I wish may be there.

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