Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Madness

I know people get tired of hearing about March Madness this time of year, but I personally love it. We do a Bruce family bracket; winner gets $5 from each person and the loser gets to keep their $5. Originally when we started my aunt and cousins would keep all the brackets and go through and keep track of it we have moved on to using technology to keep up with it all. Anyone can win, as has been proved by my younger cousins or the person in the family who knows the least about b-ball (yes, Mom, that is you). And that is why it is fun. It's fun to put some ridiculous upsets on my bracket and of course I always pick Vandy to go much further than they usually do.
The most fun comes in watching the games and seeing all the crazy ways a game can change in the course of a few seconds. I mean who picked Morehead St to beat Louisville today?
So happy march madness to you all!

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