Sunday, March 6, 2011

Groaning vs Complaining

Apologies in advance...I have a lot going through my head and heart so this is all in the process here.
The past couple months have been tough for me in terms of my RA. Then the past few weeks have been even rougher...just having pain most days, some days intense, others just nagging and present. I am in the process of waiting for a medicine to start working hopefully (fingers and toes crossed). (Side note...if anyone wants to invent and RA med that doesn't take atleast 6 weeks to start working I would love you forever). Walking through pain daily wears me out, physically and emotionally and I have been feeling the weight of it the last week. I don't know how to do to walk down a road that is laid out for me when it is such a challenge. How do I keep my heart from becoming bitter? How do I live life without being focused on the pain or allowing the pain to define me?
One of my struggles is just feeling like I am complaining if I talk about it all the time. And there isn't a lot people can say to me when I talk about it other than, I am sorry, which is fine, just hard and in my mind makes it feel more pointless to talk about it. So I started thinking about what the difference is between groaning and complaining. I don't really know if I have an answer to this thought, so don't wait for some profound truth here. I think when I start complaining is when my heart starts to feel bitter because I feel like I am owed something or somehow I have been wronged in a situation..I put myself at the center and want it all to be going my way. On the other hand, groaning is an attempt to imitate the actual sound that expresses severe pain or distress, physical or mental. And I think that is all I know how to do right now, where I am today, and that is just perfect. I don't have to have all the answers to those questions. I can groan and know my heart and my pain are heard and are felt.
"My soul is greatly dismayed; but you, O Lord-how long? I am weary with my groaning, every night I make my bed eye has wasted away with grief...For the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord has heard my supplication, The Lord receives my prayer." Psalm 6

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