Monday, July 25, 2011


When I finish a book, especially one I liked, I usually am in withdrawal for a few days. I miss the characters and the story and I need a little in between time before I pick up a new one. So in those days a lot of times I pick up books that are like old comfy sweatshirts to me...these would be things like The Hiding Place or Traveling Mercies. So Anne Lamont has been on the list can read a chapter here or there without having to read the whole thing. Now, if you haven't read her work, she is a little crazy but I am a big fan of her stuff. The following is one of her quotes from Traveling Mercies:
"I do not at all understand the mystery of grace-only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us. It can be received gladly or grudgingly, in big gulps or in tiny tastes, like a deer at the salt."

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