Sunday, July 3, 2011

Living in the Promise...

And stop worrying about the future.
This is what I have been realizing today...actually there is a lot that I have been realizing today. But, lately I have been really stuck on the future...thinking about what I should do with my career life, what I would desire out of my personal life, realizing that some dreams I have always had for my life are being laid aside thanks to my RA. This is the tip of the iceberg, but it amounts to a lot of thoughts swimming through my head that relate to the future in some way or other. I have been focusing on trying to figure all these things out, wishing that there would just be a yellow brick road leading me and yet again not enjoying the uncertainty of life.
When I focus on the future I miss out on the promises of today. I miss out on the things that are right around me. And I put too much pressure and value on myself.
In Exodus 10, the Lord speaks to the Israelites about the Passover, the last plague, and what will be the time for them to depart from slavery. These are some interesting preparation portions of the chapter: "Eat the flesh (of the lamb) that same night (that it is killed) and they shall eat it with unleavened shall not leave any of it over until shall eat it in this manner: with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand, and you shall eat it in haste." He was calling the people to be ready and to live in the promise...not to save leftovers or plan for tomorrow, not to wait for their bread to rise, just to eat and be ready to go if the Lord should call them. Instead of calling them to plan or prepare he was saying, I will give you what you need for the journey, I will lead you, just be ready.
I know I will face this challenge over and over, but I hope to remember some of this and live in the promise and put my heart and mind at rest as I trust the Lord for my future.

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